Kranti Tour | India Service Trip | Benefit Party
Mission: To break the cycle of poverty in India's underserved communities by empowering children with education.

MAY 2015


We are excited to share the beautiful and powerful KRANTI TOUR.  KRANTI, an Indian nonprofit, that works to transform marginalised girls from India's Red Light Areas to Agents of Social Change, are going to be performing their flagship play, Lal Batti Express (Red Light Express), which showcases stories of women from India's Red Light Areas.  Lal Batti Express has been so popular in India that Kranti has already performed in over 50 venues to more than 100,000 people!   Please review the national TOUR DATES and get your tickets today for the show in your town.


VOLUNTEER:  http://krantitour.com/volunteer/

SPREAD THE WORD:  Join us for our Facebook Flash Mob!  Contact Us to find out how.

SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Team Seva aims to build a scholarship fund with the help of sponsors for the girls of Kranti.  Join us.

DISNEYLAND!  Sponsor a portion of a child's ticket to send them to the happiest place on earth.  $10 or $20 will go a long way to bring smiles to their face.  Donate here.
:: BUY YOUR TICKETS!  AUG 29th.  Team Seva hosts a Party With A Purpose in Southern California.  100% of proceeds to benefit causes.

:: DECEMBER 2015 SERVICE TRIP.  Join us later this year as head to India for a service trip. Only a few spots left.  Dates are set from December 19th to 29th.  More info here.
:: Now is the time to order your "GIVE BACK" shirts.  We have re-stocked after selling out earlier this year.  All sizes avaialble.

:: For as little as TWO Starbucks Visits or ONE Round of Drinks, you can join Team Seva on our mission.  Pledge here

We thank our dear active pledgers for the continued support as we collectively, break the cycle of poverty.
- Team Seva Board
  Nisha, Dev & Beau

Team Seva is a fully volunteer-run 501c3 organization.